

VISWorld exists to collate and make available to VISIT Plus real-world events corresponding to the events previously planned by VISIT Plus. VISWorld has been designed to integrate the planning and execution activities of modern distribution organisations. Based on open XML-based standard interfaces, VISWorld provides flexible facilities for retrieving, storing and analysing real world events captured through in-cab/on-truck/mobile computing technologies.


VISWorld comprises:


  • A database storage schema for storing, reporting and analysing actual events
  • A public interface to allow 3rd-party interfacing
  • Interface components to seamlessly incorporate actual events into the VISIT Plus system
  • A set of transactions, reports and analyses to support its use within VISIT Plus, particularly the reporting of achievement compared to planned activities.


The comprehensive reporting suite includes:


  • Detail Activity Report
  • Performance Report
  • Execution Exceptions Report
  • Historical Trends Reports